Digital Marketing Consultant For Small Business

Are you looking for the RIGHT Digital Marketing Consultant For Small Business?

I'm sure you've visited other blogs/sites(or I can be the first) and for one way or another, one thing is true...

You have your work cut out for you. But what If I "Michael Granados" told you that there was a way for you to completely lessen your stress, cause you to make more money, save money, avoid the effort of having to do manage your business all on your own, and save time?

If that's what you cam here for today, then let's talk.

Consulting Made Easy And Fast

Listen, I've been in digital marketing since the start of 2017 and I've built a reputation for putting together WordPress ready websites so you can have a fully functioning site which means you're audience will love to see it and navigate around it for years to come. Along with that I can help with:

  • Functional sales funnels so you can have a 24/7 online salesman doing all the heavy lifting for you at any time of day which means you'll always have an automated communication system that builds long lasting and trustworthy relationships.
  • Email marketing automation so you don't have to manually write emails ever day which means you'll have more time to work on the things in your business that require your most productivity.
  • SEO ready sites so you can be found on Google and other search engines like Bing and Yahoo which means you'll get a lot of traffic and more eyeballs on your content and products/services.
  • Paid advertising so you can generate leads faster on demand which means you'll be able to identify your specific target market and sell to them much faster.
  • Social Media marketing strategies so you can build a network of loyal fans that will follow you and eventually want what you offer.

There is so much more that I offer as a freelance digital marketing consultant like information products, physical, software and more. Plus, one of the niches that I'm focused in is affiliate marketing.

Am I Available?

One of my focuses right now is on building an affiliate marketing business, and so I will at times close my services to the public. To know if I am available, I will usually have a schedule you can see right below. If I'm closed, well that's what it is, and there's no guaranteed time frame If I'll be back to it.

But if you'd like to stay on top of what I'm doing, make sure to leave me a message on our Contact Us Page Here.

Want To Learn More About Digital Marketing?

My biggest takeaway as a freelancer and affiliate marketer is that there will be times that you need to go at it alone to learn the ropes of the online world. I will give you a list of resources to check out below so you can get on the right track to taking your business to the next level with digital marketing.

Related information: Hubspots digital marketing guide.


About the Author

